Sunday, May 11, 2014

Nick Trotter joins the cast for Crossroads Theatre performance

Nick Trotter has joined the cast for the upcoming performance of WYSIWYG at the Crossroads Theatre. He will be playing Mark, the holistic therapist who runs a transgendered support group. He has an MFA from the Dell'Arte International School of Physical Theatre. He specializes in Clown, Bouffon, Commedia, and puppetry and is a noted mask and prosthetic designer. 

His multidisciplinary project Circo de Nada fuses improv theatre, mask, music and puppetry, and he performs locally and internationally as the clown Ferdinand the MagnificentCirco's original production of Three Bottles of Wine, a classic Commedia piece, is debuting in the Denver area in 2014. He is a member of the comedy duo Third Base! with Jerry Lee Wallace, and their production Myths of the Plastic Age has been entertaining audiences in northern California since 2009.